Thursday, 18 September 2014


Things I've noticed over my first week here
-People are very inquisitive, they look extra closely at people's body language and facial expressions and notice everything. It's quite normal to be asked how are you feeling? or is everything alright? by people that you don't really know or have much to do with.

-I'm not sure if it is just my host family or, General Roca, but people don't really wear seat belts here. I always put mine on just out of habit, but still it's quite weird feeling for me to be in a car on busy roads without a seat belt...

-The personal space bubble is noticeably smaller here. In NZ we seem to keep from being too close to people but here no one really cares! Boys and girls will come and sit right beside you or rest their legs or whatever on you, it's just normal here

-It's still a weird feeling for me kissing people on the cheek when I meet them. Maybe it's because I'm a bit shy? I'm not sure haha. When your with a big group of people you kiss everyone on the cheek before leaving, and that could be like 20 other people haha.

-I'm kind of tall here compared to the girls in my class.. I NZ I'm a pretty average height but here I find it funny that I'm considered tall

-People say my name is very hard to pronounce, especially my last name! In spanish a J  is an H sound and an e is very pronounced so it sounds like Ho ness when they say it... Also argentinians can't really say 'sh' so Tish ends up sounding like Tis haha...
-It's normal for kids and teenagers to be out late playing in the streets or walking around, I went to a birthday party last night and we were playing soccer in the street until about midnight!

-I was invited to join a basketball club. We train on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8-9. It's pretty fun and all the girls are pretty nice to me, so that makes it a lot better :) I have my first game on Saturday, I doubt I'll play much because I'm pretty new to the team, but I'm still looking forward to it!

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