Monday, 10 November 2014

¡Che, Boludo! Argentinian Slang

Like every country, Argentina also has their own slang and common sayings, here are a few that I hear frequently!

Che: Used as 'Hey' or as an interjection, basically doesn't have much of a meaning but is just a common thing they say!

Boludo: Used either as an insult (idiot) or casually between friends as a joke so ¡Che Boludo! can mean "You idiot" or "Hey bro", it's all in the context!
Mierda: shit, damn

Viste: used in a conversation like, "you know?" 'See!'

Ojo: literally means eye but is an expression meaning 'Be careful' or 'Watch out' and is with this gesture

Tranquila: Chill out! or it's Ok

Viejos: translates to olds but affectionately means Parents

No pasa nada: literally means nothing happened, but actually is 'no problem' or 'don't worry about it'

No te preocupes: No worries

¿Que te pasa?: What happened?

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